
Treat Yourself!

It's always nice to have a little 'me time'. Time when you just switch off the world (and your iPhone) and just relax. I feel that learning to enjoy your own company is one of lifes biggest 'musts', and is something that everyone should revel in the experience of. 

As for me, I'm a home bird; someone who enjoys time spent relaxing, be it on my own or with family/friends. I'd pick sitting on the sofa watching TV in my pyjamas over a loud sweaty club any day; but at the age of 21, many people seem to find that weird. Why can't I enjoy spending time alone, or having a quiet night in with the people I love? Is it so wrong to want to save my money for more important adventures, as opposed to drinking it away and spending the next day feeling horrendous? I don't see this as an issue at all, but society seems to pigeonhole us young folk into the category of: binge drinking, drug taking, party animals.... and thats where I draw the line.

So, we've established my love for 'me time' and relaxing, but what I really love is a good old pamper session. 

Every now and again it is nice to just really treat yourself, y'know. Have an evening (or a day) where you do nothing but the things you love; so when I like to really give myself a pamper, these are the things I do. 

1. Take a bath! Now, I was never a bath person until recently and I used to get so irritable sitting in a tub of hot water, never understanding how anyone could find it relaxing. Since starting to love baths, it has meant I've actually been able to take advantage of the amazing product LUSH has to offer; my favourites being the butterball, comforter and dragons egg (featured above). 

2. Do a face mask! Whilst I'm having a relax I love to pop on a face mask and really give my face some care and attention. At the moment, I'm loving using the LUSH cupcake face mask. Not only does it smell super chocolatey, but it is fabulous at soothing my skin when its having a bad moment.

3. Read! Whether this is while I'm soaking in the bath, or lying on the sofa/bed, reading is one of the most relaxing things you can do. Getting lost in a good book is truly wonderful and takes you away from the stresses of your real life. At the moment I'm enjoying The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell. 

4. Paint my nails! Even though I love painting my nails anyway, I particularly enjoy the process of it when I'm having a pamper evening. I pop on Netflix or a DVD, and take extra time and care in making my nails look utterly beautiful. 

What do you love to do to pamper yourself?


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