
That Delicious Drink Called Tea!

Ahhhh tea. That delicious drink that comes in hundreds of varieties and flavours, making it the perfect beverage for pretty much every situation imaginable. Being British and a tea lover, I fit ideally into the stereotype of us being big tea drinkers,  which is something I truly revel in! I can never understand a person who says "I don't like tea" (my boyfriend being one of them)... since there is such a vast choice, surely there is something out there for everyone?! Just because you don't like bog standard tea (which I find weird enough), that doesn't mean you won't like other varieties! 

So pop the kettle on and give some a try. Here's a run down of a few of my favourite teas. 

Peppermint tea is something I've only recently gotten in to, and I'm currently finding it to be the perfect drink for the summer months. It is deliciously refreshing and makes the perfect mid afternoon beverage to perk you up and curb those sweet cravings. I love this specific variety by the English Tea Shop, and am definitely interested in trying some of their other flavoured teas (there are a lot)!

Not only is green tea amazing for you in many ways, it has a truly divine and subtle taste that can be made weaker or stronger depending on how long you leave the tea bag to brew. I find this a perfect drink when I'm wanting to refresh or detox my body and adore having a cup of it while munching on some fruit pretty much any time of day! (This specific green tea can be bought at Aldi)

When it comes to 'normal' tea, the supermarket shelves are packed full of different brands with slightly different flavours... and believe you me, I've tried a lot! My favourite however, is hands down  a good old cup of Tetley tea. It has the most perfect taste and is the tea I have to have every morning with my breakfast! The day just doesn't feel right without it. 

Now I'm not sure whether this was a limited edition flavoured tea by Twinings, as I discovered it around Christmas time last December and have been rationing it ever since. It is the most relaxing, soothing gingerbread flavour imaginable and I find it the perfect evening treat when you fancy something a bit different to drink. 

What are your favourite teas?


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