
Colab: A New(ish) Dry Shampoo!

It's Friday! While for many of you that is great news, meaning you now get to enjoy the weekend.... for me, it means work! Not quite so fun, but I'll survive I'm sure (not to be at all overdramatic)!

So today, I have another quick review for you. This time, it's of the Colab dry shampoo range... so if you're interested in finding out what I think of it, then keep reading. 

Dry shampoo is one of those items that I can't live without. It saves my hair on a regular basis especially since my full fringe always needs washing way before the rest of my hair! After popping into Superdrug I decided to pick up the Colab dry shampoo since I've heard many good things about it on the blogosphere. 

For me, I wasn't sold on it due to it being created by blogger/youtuber/model Ruth Crilly, as she's not some one I'm personally into reading/watching. I bought it because of the selection of beautiful scents - yes I did stand and smell them all; and yes it did take me far longer then it should have to decide which one to get - and as many people have said it appears almost invisibly on your hair!

I went for the scent Rio because I loved it's tropical fruity notes and thought it would be a great way to freshen and liven up my hair in the morning; however I was very nearly tempted in by New York! These dry shampoo's are great because there is pretty much a scent for everyone! 

I've used it a few times now, and I do have a mixed opinion on the product. It really does smell beautiful on my hair and I love how the scent lasts for at least a good few hours rather then just diminishing away the second you style your hair; however, I definitely didn't find it invisible on my hair. I'm not saying it left a huge amount of residue like many dry shampoo's do, but it did leave enough to make my roots look white and did take a bit of brushing to get rid of this! The white hair look isn't what I'm wanting for just yet!

The white colouring onto my hair didn't put me off though, because I found that after using this product, my hair didn't feel as gritty/knotted (however you want to describe it) as many other dry shampoo's I've used (batiste/girlz only), which is fab in my opinion.

I'd definitely pick up the Colab dry shampoo's again because man, they don't half smell fabulous; although, I think the claim of it being 'sheer invisible' is slightly false (on my hair anyway), so I am yet to make the decision as to whether it is really worth the higher cost then other dry shampoo's that I've used on the market.

What do you think of Colab?


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