
A Different Weekend!

My weekends are normally spent at work, scanning away on the checkouts. Being a student means that working on Saturdays and Sundays is the most convenient as it doesn't interfere with my assignments....although it leaves me super tired! However, I booked this weekend off, and it was great to be able to spend it with my family and doing things I wouldn't normally do!

On Saturday we went to MCM Comicon at the Birmingham NEC arena. I've never been to one of these conventions before and I really enjoyed it! So many people were dressed up in amazing outfits, like truly amazing ones... although I cannot imagine how much time was spent on making them! There were tons of stalls all selling really cool items (ok, well cool if you're into that kind of thing), and I did pick up a few items when I was there! I shared pictures on my post yesterday which had photographs of the two new POP vinyls and a notepad I got whilst at comicon. You can find that post here.

Today, we went to Go Ape, which is a forrest adventure high up in the trees; including tarzan swings and zip wires! Its not for the faint hearted. I've done it before, but being pretty scared of heights there were certain parts that made me really uneasy! One of the final things is a tarzan swing which contains a foot drop before your rope catches on and swings you over to a scramble net on the other side. I felt more confident about doing it this time, however once I was standing on the edge that confidence went! I was terrified! It didn't help that I had loads of people watching me...... Despite my fear, I did eventually do it! Go me!

It was a really fun day out, but now I'm so tired and my arms are aching like anything! It's back to reality tomorrow, but it has been so lovely to spend a couple of days having a break and having fun!

What have you all done this weekend?


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